3 Signs That Your Business Needs a Rebranding

Times change, people change and brands change as well. No matter how successful your business is, at some point you may realize that your brand has lost some of its visual luster. When that happens, it’s time to rebrand.

Rebranding is a market strategy defined by giving a new name, symbol, or change in design for an already-established brand. The idea behind rebranding is to create a different identity for a brand, from its competitors, in the market.

Sometimes it can be difficult for a company to realize when it’s time to rebrand. After all, your image has brought you success, and change can feel too risky. The following guidelines will help you determine when and how to rebrand so your corporate image preserves its most effective qualities without losing the ability to grab the attention of your customers.

Your Old Image Is Showing Its Age

Visual communication changes over time. New trends surface constantly and your brand runs the risk of appearing out of date to younger or more design-conscious customers. If this happens, your image won’t resonate with your audience anymore and you won’t be able to get through to them. With the assistance of a design professional you can make sure that your typography, logo and colors match current tastes and send the right message.

There’s a Drop In Sales

This is the most dramatic sign that a rebranding may be needed. A drop in sales should lead you to reevaluate your entire communication strategy, as it could be part of the problem. Your image may be fostering a less-than-stellar perception among your customers, with a negative impact on your bottom line.

Your Strategy Has Changed

As you know, there are many factors in play when it comes to crafting a communication strategy. Maybe there’s a new competitor in your field. Maybe your values have changed, or you want to appeal to a new demographic. If there’s a significant change in your strategy, the look of your brand should reflect it.

By now you should be able to tell if your business needs rebranding. If you’re planning to move forward with the process, contact a design professional to determine if you should come up with a new concept or just update the one you already have.

Our experts at CR+A custom can assist you if you decide to rebrand. Rest assured that you’ll be working with the best: Innovation is no buzzword here.

Contact us today by telephone (213-749-4440), email (info@cracustom.com) or through our social media accounts to learn more about the ways we can help your company with our relentless drive to create visual solutions.

By CR&A Custom Inc March 19, 2020

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